Dua While returning from travel

Dua While returning from travel laa ilaaha illallaahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu lahulmulku wa lahulhamdu wa Huwa alaa kutti shay in Qadeer aa iboona taa iboona aabidoona lirabbinaa haamidoona sadaqallaahu wa dahu wa nasara abdahu wa hazamal ahzaaba wahdahuNone has the right to be worshipped but Allah alone Who has no partner His is the dominion and He is the praise and He is Able to do all things We return repentant to our Lord worshipping our Lord and praising our Lord He fulfilled His Promise He aided His slave and He alone defeated the ConfederatesReference Bukhari 7163 Muslim 2980 The Prophet SAW used to say this when returning from a campaign or from Hajj


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