Evil and good are not equal
Evil and good are not equal
Evil and good are not equal though you may be dazzled by the abundance of evil Sometimes when things are in abundance they start to feel normal Perhaps they begin to seem so normal that it doesn t even feel wrong to be impresseddazzled by them Evil and good are not equal At first glance this may appear to be a simple reminder but upon deeper reflection we are forced to examine the ways in which we have created gray spaces in our minds in which evil is no longer perceived as truly being evil Blurring the lines between evil and good is the first step in a person eventually accepting and potentially being impressed by that which is evil May Allah allow us to recognize good as good and evil as evil and react to both in a manner that is pleasing to HimSurah alMaidah The Table Ayah 100قل لا یستوی ٱلخبیث وٱلطیب ولو أعجبك كثرة ٱلخبیث فٱتقوا ٱلله یـأولی ٱلألبـب لعلكم تفلحونSay O Prophet Good and evil are not equal though you may be dazzled by the abundance of evil So fear Allah O you of understanding that you may be successful 5100
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